Monday, February 27, 2006

Floyd's shortest path algorithm

floyd.xls is a simple Excel VBA program that implements Floyd's algorithm for finding the shortest paths between all nodes in a network. The program was written such that beginning coders could modify and improve it.

Capabilities: find shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in a network
Author: Michael H. Cole
License: GPL
Platform requirements: Microsoft Excel (VBA)
User-modifiable: Yes
Version: alpha

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

1-center facility location problem

hakimi_5.xls is a simple Excel VBA program that demonstrates Hakimi's algorithm for solving the 1-center facility location problem. The program was written such that beginning coders could modify and improve it.

Capabilities: site a single facility on a network to minimax customer travel time
Author: Michael H. Cole
License: GPL
Platform requirements: Microsoft Excel (VBA)
User-modifiable: Yes
Version: alpha

Monday, February 13, 2006

Friday, February 10, 2006

Houston road network

See for an exhaustive pictorial history of Houston's extensive network of freeways.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Aggregating customers

Aggregate.xls is a simple Excel VBA program that demonstrates customer aggregation. The program was written such that beginning coders could modify and improve it.

Capabilities: graphically aggregate n customers into 100 customers
Author: Michael H. Cole
License: GPL
Platform requirements: Microsoft Excel (VBA)
User-modifiable: Yes
Version: alpha

Monday, February 06, 2006

City infrastructure

The Works: anatomy of a city (Kate Ascher) examines the infrastructure of a typical large city.

Logistics-related chapters include: Streets, Subway, Bridges & Tunnels, Rail Freight, Maritime Freight, Air Cargo, and Markets.