Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Layout software included in Heragu's Facilities Design text

Layout software to accompany Facilities Design (Heragu) is available for free download.

Capabilities: block layout
Author: varies by program
License: educational use only
Platform requirements: Microsoft Windows
User-modifiable: no

ASDN: Agile Supply Demand Networks

ASDN is open source software for "analyzing and developing logistics networks."

Capabilities: logistics networks
License: GPL
Platform requirements: Java
User-modifiable: Yes.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

List of software for facilities design

Shahrukh A. Irani has listed various facilities design programs (mainly commerical).

BLOCPLAN - layouts

BLOCPLAN is useful for developing block layouts. It is used in IE courses at the University of Houston and at other universities.

Capabilities: block layout
Author: Charles Donaghey
License: contact author
Platform requirements: Microsoft DOS/Windows
User-modifiable: no

Lineback: VRP with backhauls

Lineback addresses the "Vehicle Routing with Backhauls" problem. The software is used in several courses at Georgia Tech.

Capabilities: VRP with backhauls
Author: Marc Goetschalckx
License: contact author
Platform requirements: Microsoft Windows
User-modifiable: no

Tours: traveling salesman problem

Tours addresses the Traveling Salesman Problem. The software is used in several courses at Georgia Tech.

Capabilities: traveling salesman problem
Author: Marc Goetschalckx
License: contact author
Platform requirements: Microsoft Windows
User-modifiable: no

Spiral - facilities design and layout

Spiral is a state-of-the-art program for developing block layouts. It is used in several courses at Georgia Tech.

Capabilities: layout
Author: Marc Goetschalckx
License: contact author
Platform requirements: Microsoft Windows
User-modifiable: no

Monday, December 12, 2005

Matlog: Logistics engineering Matlab toolbox

Matlog is a comprehensive package used in two Industrial Engineering courses at North Carolina State University.

Capabilities: facility location, VRP, networks, layout, geocoding
Author: Michael G. Kay
License: free for non-commercial use as long as original source is cited
Platform requirements: Matlab
User-modifiable: only if you are a good Matlab programmer

Friday, December 09, 2005

Logistics: software for analysis and design

This blog will discuss software (and other technologies) related to the design and analysis of logistics systems.

I plan to include links to my own small software programs.